
How does the Matrix MLM Plan work?

The matrix MLM plan adds default members to the first level, and the new members are added to the next groups as the plan permits. The most common matrix MLM plans are 3X9, 2X12, 4X7, and 5X7. For example, if you choose a 2X12 plan, you can recruit two members at the first level, and the rest members will spill over to later levels with a depth of twelve levels.

Bonuses In Board MLM Plan

Board Completion Bonus

A bonus received when the distributor completes one board or cycle and promotes on the next board.

Reentry Bonus

A bonus received by the sponsor when the direct downlines complete a board and get a reentry position on the same board.

Sponsor Bonus

A bonus received for adding a new member to the board plan tree in hes/her borad plan and promote the team.

Level Commissions

A commission received for filling new members to each level of the tree, The commission is rewarded with the completion of columns.

Level Commissions

A commission received for filling new members to each level of the tree, The commission is rewarded with the completion of columns.

Cycle Commission

When 6 positions in a board are occupied, two switches happen. The topmost member, ie, A, in this case, would go to another Board ( B2 ) as its first member.

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