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To be the leading ecosystem for Blockchain Social Media and to enable crypto enthusiasts thrive in a safe and balanced environment.


We enjoy creating and maintaining a positive atmosphere in our chat rooms by including our community in AMA's, contests, Q&A's and giveaways. We make sure that no one is left behind by providing interactive, engaging and warm admins and moderators to cater to everyone.


The Solid ecosystem would incorporate rare digital artwork and collectibles into the social messaging and P2E gaming system which can be aunctioned on the marketplace. Artists would have the option to exhibit their art as well.

Welcome To MLM Plan


Blockchain Social Media

NFT Marketplace


P2E Game



SolidSocial is a Blockchain Social Media Platform under the MLM Plan ecosystem. This social network is aimed at building a safe space for blockchain and crypto users to explore, network, discuss and build communities. The functionalities are specially curated to cater for all Blockchain needs which includes research, education, community, networking, news and updates. Other professional niches would be included to enable a blossoming environment for everyone. Because traditional social media does not support cryptocurrency and its services, it has become difficult and time-consuming to obtain the necessary information needed to stay on top the happenings and in the space, SolidSocial was built to help Blockchain,crypto and professional personalities get value for their time spent on the platform and shorten the learning curve for newbies on the scene.


The MLM Plan Dex will function as a bridgeswap, allowing users to transfer tokens from Ethereum to Binance and vice versa. The need to use another exchange marketplace to swap different tokens such as bsc, Ethereum or polygon will be wiped out. The DEX offers an all-in-one utility for token swapping across multiple blockchains as well as the ability to stake tokens and earn rewards.


MLM Plan's NFT Marketplace is a peer-to-peer platform, enabling users to store and trade non-fungible tokens (NFTs). It will also allow artists to mint, display and aunction their own work as NFTs fostering an environment for users to have authorization for their works and properties.


The MLM Plan launchpad is an incubator that will allow only high-quality projects get off the ground. Once every month, a project will be selected and launched following tight-filtering standards. MLM Plan is dedicated to eliminating the toxic environment surrounding launches of new crypto projects, allowing them excel under MLM Plan's fostering guidance.

Operational security

We do not disclose any of our users' information with any third parties. Our first priority is to keep our users' indentities safe and secure.


The E-learning platform will be integrated into SolidSocial. This feature enables both old and new participants of crypto and blockchain to get the necessary skills and information to not just to stay afloat but to also thrive and become seasoned in their niche. Lectures and webinars on relevant crypto and blockchain subjects will be given by professionals. Every piece of knowledge required to become proficient will be delivered and explained in a clear and understandable manner.


The MLM Plan ecosystem will create its own P2E gaming system allowing gamers earn tokens while having fun. The games will be of top-notch standard to ensure its user have a premium experience while engaging with the interface. The gaming system will also include NFTs and collectibles which can be traded, exchanged and swapped.


MLM Plan will have its own centralized exchange which would facilitate the buying,selling,staking and trading of tokens devoid of the manipulations known to hold sway in the centralized world. The user interface and experience would have a seamless layout enabling new users easily navigate without finding it challanging.



Our vision is to create a safe and exciting space for our users to explore the World of Blockchain and Crypto.

Why Choose Us

We Have a Lot of Skills

The ecosystem comprises of utilities that serves unique needs in the Blockchain space which has been left uncatered for

Fully doxxed team with years of expertise and success in different businesses and ventures and a level of dedication to the project that is unparalleled.

The operatonal model is unique and the team works with systems that allow for nothing but success

The community behind the project is in it for the long haul and are unwavering in their support to pushing the project to unimaginable heights.

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